Just come across this Maya calendar about Signs on the End of the World.  As I watch, lots of related tagged video clips appear and seem like End of the World buzz has been going around for some time, it just that I was late to heard about it.

Most of the videos on dooms day seem to calm that the End Of The World day will fall on Friday, 21 December 2012.  Yet I found one nice clip describing the dooms day prediction made by the Mayan centuries ago that the dooms day will fall on Sunday, 23 December 2012.

This message is post before the movie 2012 hit the cinemas here in Malaysia. But I’m pretty sure that the movie is going to be a box office hit with all the buzz on the Internet.

Well, here is the clip on End of the World prediction made by the Mayan which calm the End of the World is just two days before the year 2012 Christmas.

Here is a clip for you if you believe that End of the World day will come. Its taking the prediction seriously and specially made this video to prepare any survival’s mentally. So if you are a believer, enjoy the clip.

As usual, where there were lots of believer than will comes the unbeliever. This is a two parts clip by Christ White from www.revelationsradionetwork.com

2012 Exposed - Part 1

2012 Exposed - Part 2

Well frankly, if you’re a believe End of the World would fall on December 2012, I had a personnel favor to ask you.

Please do visit this site again on the 25th of December 2012 and wish me Merry Christmas, would you be glad you could wish me then? See you then – if it ever come.

Dated this post: 21 October 2009, 12:39am

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2012 - Before and After
End Of World 2012